Thursday, December 06, 2007

the quarter is finished

... and I promise some writing, soon, when my brain is a little fresher. I need a walk, some sun, anything but this keyboard and desk.

I'm plotting a trajectory of non-master's level reading, pulling the spinning wheel and fiber out of the closet, assessing holiday needs (wow, is it late! but I'm mostly done...). And sighing. Breakfast next, sitting in the sunny window without a book, maybe.

Thanks for hanging with me.


Lisa B. said...

Congratulations on getting through the first quarter! I'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished! Very exciting. :)

Carine-what's cooking? said...

Congrats on making it through the beginning of your wild ride! Let's both get in some writing. I, myself, just came back from speaking to a group of rheumatologists and their staff. That was fun!